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What do I need to get an Aer-O-Scope operational procedure room up and running?The only equipment that is needed beyond a standard operating room is the Aer-O-Scope video controller. All other equipment (suction, air or CO2 source, water jet, therapeutic tools etc.) is standard equipment available already in procedure rooms.
Does the 200° field of view alter the operation?There is no change in operation. What needs to be kept in mind is that what the physician sees at the far edges of the picture is actually 100° from center, i.e. behind the tip of the camera. It allows doctors to see easily behind haustral folds and the rectum and cecum fully without the need to retroflex the scope head. It also allows better visualization of diseases such as diverticulosis.
Does the Aer-O-Scope procedure require any special patient preparation?No. Patient preparation for the Aer-O-Scope colonoscope screening and diagnostic procedures is identical to the preparation for conventional screening and diagnostic colonoscopy.
Is the Aer-O-Scope procedure performed using sedation?Patients undergoing screening and diagnostic colonoscopy with the Aer-O-Scope colonoscope are administered the same sedation as with conventional colonoscopy.
Is the Aer-O-Scope colonoscope procedure safer than a conventional screening colonoscopy?Due to the single-use design and one way valves that prevent backflow, the Aer-O-Scope colonoscope reduces the risk of disease transmission during the procedure. Also by the design, it has the potential to lower risk of perforation due to its hydrophilic coating that reduces the friction between the colonoscope insertion tube and the colon.
Does the Aer-O-Scope scanner use optical imaging?Yes. The imaging itself is quite similar to conventional colonoscopy that uses optical imaging. However the Aer-O-Scope optical imaging head was designed from scratch to suit imaging of the human colon. The 200° panoramic-view enables easy visualization of polyps behind anatomic folds.

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